Virechana therapy in Namasthe Ayurvedic Mission can cure a number of health problems naturally.


Virechana therapy in Namasthe Ayurvedic Mission can cure a number of health problems naturally.


Virechana is that the purgative treatment that cleanses the tiny gut and associated tyrannid dominant organs for, example liver, gall bladder, and exocrine gland. It works within the downward direction to eliminate tyrannid connected toxins and excess tyrannid within the sort of acidic and inflammatory secretions. Virechana conjointly helps to get rid of toxins and waste products from the blood. Virechana herbs induce the purging method that removes these accumulated toxins from the body. Virechana has prescribed for all pitta connected disorders, particularly inflammatory conditions, and acidity, urinary issues, acid organic process disorders, hemorrhoids, chronic headache, migraine headaches, skin disorders like a skin condition, dermatitis, acne, and eczema. It’s contraindicated for those with weak digestion, inflammatory bowel disease, dehydration and acute fever, the elderly, babies and pregnant girls. It improves a person’s appetite and total body functions. Virechanam can also be seen as an excellent rejuvenation procedure and also effective in curing conditions like gastritis, jaundice, hypertension, kidney complaints and many other bodily conditions especially related to the digestive system.


What are the benefits of Virechana?

  • It cleanses blood toxins that are harmful to your body
  • Cleaning the sweat glands,
  • Purifying the kidneys,
  • Reduce acidity in the stomach,
  • Cleanses small intestine,
  • Cleansing colon, liver, spleen  and also blood vessels