Abhyangam helps body to build a resistance against germs and diseases and immunity towards various environmental factors too.


Abhyangam helps body to build a resistance against germs and diseases and immunity towards various environmental factors too.

Ayurveda ancient texts suggest daily Abhyangam and it must be practiced by everybody. This sort of daily oil massage may be a straightforward oil application and be done by one’s own self. Abhyangam, once practiced daily, bestows one with an extended life span, energy, complexion, and immature skin. You can have the best Abhyangam treatment in Varkala Namaste Ayurveda. we are the best Ayurveda hospital in Varkala.

Abhyangam is a Sanskrit word meaning oil application. It’s ordinarily referred to as Ayurveda Oil Massage. "Skin" the most important organ of the body could be a receptor of touch. Abhyangam is employed as medical care and is widely practiced throughout the planet. It provides the cure for numerous disorders like stroke, Arthritis, body part inflammation, cervical inflammation, Sports Injuries, Parkinson's disease and far alternative muscle, joint, and nerve-related disorders. This sort of therapeutic massage should be performed by a trained Ayurveda expert. Mistreatment specialized strokes and alternative massage techniques, the head, palms, soles, and ears should lean due importance and massage rigorously.


Benefits of Abhyangam?

1. Strength to most of the sensory (skin, eyes etc.) and motor organs (hands, legs etc.)

2. Maintains color and complexion of skin, prevents the signs of aging, skin waterlessness and itchiness.

3. It prevents headache and induces sleep, calms the mind and provides relaxation.

4. Reduces the amount of hair fall.

5. The vessel and nerves within the skin are toned up thus prevents nervous disorders.

6. It improves vision.

7. Relieves fatigue and feeling of exhaustion and fatigue.

8. Improves the muscular tonus and builds the immunity.

9. It reduces the aggravated Vata.